Florida Eats Food Blogs

Unbiased Review of “World Famous” Egg Rolls

Updated 4/13/2020

World Famous Egg Rolls
World Famous Egg Rolls

IG Famous or World Famous Egg Rolls?

I have said it before! I will say it again with a different choice of words!

I’m unfazed by “hype”!

This applies to food, movies, and anything else that can garner a review!

I used to think I was exaggerating this viewpoint. Consistency has made it a reality!

A few months ago, the egg roll craze made its way down to Miami Gardens, Florida.

The newly opened chain had two other locations in Fort Lauderdale and Boynton Beach, FL.

They seemed to be testing out the concept in one of the highly populated Black communities in South Florida.

I would hear of the food truck selling out each weekend they came to the area.

Social media was filled with pictures of Black folks waiting in long lines to get their hands on the deep-fried halved egg rolls.

This automatically made me leery (skeptical). I know the power of a social media movement.

Sometimes, crowds are about a trending check-in rather than a delicious offering.

I continued to be unmoved by any of the “propaganda”.

World Famous Egg Rolls
World Famous Egg Rolls

Free for All

The sold-out food events led to several free samplings of the egg rolls.

I considered their worth if the owners were willing to give them away at no charge!

Not long after, the chain opened at 19401 NW 27TH Ave. Miami Gardens, FL 33056.

This was the nearest location to me.

I would hear that business continued to “boom” beyond the initial food truck phase.

My cousin is the closest friend I have and we usually share food recommendations.

She began to rave about the reviews she was hearing.

“Oh, Oh! I may have to give this place a shot after all!”

South Florida was just spared the monster that was Hurricane Dorian. We figured the place would be nice and empty.

I’m not sure why we thought this since hurricanes tend to bring on cabin fever.

World Famous Egg Rolls
World Famous Egg Rolls

World Famous was built into an ideal new shopping plaza near SunLife Stadium (home of the Miami Dolphins).

It shares the space with Starbucks and a neighboring Wal-mart.

The location faces busy 27th ave. and it’s hard to miss the large globe on the logo.

As we drove into the parking lot, the 2 food trucks that started it all could be seen parked.

They’re still used for miscellaneous functions.


The lack of parking was our first clue that hurricane season did not slow down business.

We missed it!

As we approached the clear windows, we could see the long lines inside.

The bored and hungry faces told us they had been waiting a while.

We joined the line and hoped our presence somehow made ours move faster.

It didn’t!

At that point, my reservations returned! I thought it had better be worth it!

The interior gave me old diner vibes with red leather stools and booths.

The place was large enough to seat everyone in line comfortably.

This caught me by surprise. Most spots in Black areas were designed for take-out.

As a first-timer, I ordered the Seafood Deluxe (shrimp, crab, lobster, and cheese), fries and a lemonade.

Currently, two egg rolls are $8.40 (you can mix them up). There is a surcharge of $1 for seafood.

Fries are $2.34. (One time the portions were just right and another I had to take some to go).

My cousin and I shared a banana pudding pie.

World Famous Pies
World Famous Pies

You can choose a paper menu as a guide or use the large wall menu to decide as you wait.

Once orders were placed, you moved over to the pick-up area. This is where your number would be called.

The cashier specified the numbers were not called in order but according to what you ordered.

The food is served in a clear to-go container.

Eating my Words

I can admit when I’m wrong (mostly)! This was one of those times!

The crispy texture of fried egg rolls mixed with the soft flesh of the seafood potpourri were delectable!

There’s a sauce called “The Dragon Ying Yang”. One side is red, the other white.

You can’t have one without the other! Thank me later!

Once you dip your egg roll, it adds sweet Asian spices to the mix! My fries were seasoned but there was a lemon pepper option.

In addition to the seafood egg roll, I’ve also tried the Soul Food, Beef, Buffalo Chicken, chicken wings, other pies, and the shrimp and grits.

World Famous Shrimp and Grits
World Famous Shrimp and Grits
Food to my Soul

My favorite egg roll is the Soul Food. It has BBQ chicken, collard greens and mac and cheese.

World Famous Egg Rolls
World Famous Egg Rolls

Do you feel guilty while eating it? Absolutely! But YOLO!

Next time you’re in South Florida, give them a shot! If you live here, what are you waiting for?

There are breakfast items like chicken and waffles and over 20 egg roll types to choose from. (Griot Complete, Lasagna, Philly Cheesesteak, and El Cubano, etc.)

One of the latest is the Grand Bahama (Bahamian cracked conch and grilled shrimp). I have to give that one a try!

Edit: I have tried the Grand Bahama. The conch was a little tough to my liking. Maybe it was just that batch. Since you’re able to try two options, I may have to give it another shot!

There’s even a Chicken Sandwich one created after the Popeye’s chicken sandwich went viral.

If you would like to be teased mercilessly, in the meantime, you can follow World Famous on Facebook/Instagram. This is a link to their website.

You can find the owner “Chinaman” juggling between locations or making funny videos of his latest creations!

This is a fairly new concept in our area and they are definitely winning!

Do you have an innovative spot where you live?

Unbiased Review of World Famous Egg Rolls 
Sharing is Caring

~Poof…Bee Gone

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  • Reply
    CHERYL Oreglia
    December 20, 2019 at 10:07 am

    You’re amazing Sandra! Your killing me, it’s not even 7:00 am and I starving for these egg rolls! Yum! But I live on the western side of the states! You are a talented and inspirational writer! Always enjoy your posts!

    • Reply
      December 22, 2019 at 7:01 pm

      Hi Cheryl, LOL, thanks so much!!:) They’re growing so you never know, they may make it over there soon…cross your fingers! I’m crossing mine for you! πŸ˜‰

  • Reply
    Heidi Slowinski
    December 20, 2019 at 7:01 pm

    This all sounds wonderful!

    • Reply
      December 22, 2019 at 7:01 pm

      Hi Heidi, thanks so much!!! πŸ™‚

  • Reply
    Marjie Mare
    December 22, 2019 at 10:20 am

    Everything looks so delicious and I am drooling just watching at them. Thanks for sharing those deliciousnesses and make my Sunday.

    • Reply
      December 22, 2019 at 7:02 pm

      Hi Marjie, thanks! The pleasure is all mine!! πŸ™‚

  • Reply
    James B
    December 23, 2019 at 9:14 pm

    Very detailed review! Great photos of the food!

    • Reply
      December 24, 2019 at 9:33 am

      Hi James, thanks so much!!! πŸ™‚

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