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Travel tips

Help! A Virus Hijacked My Vacation!
COVID-19 Misc Blogs

Help! A Virus Hijacked my Vacation!

Updated 2/29/20 Anti-Virus Flexibility is one of the greatest assets to a frequent traveler! Life/stuff happens. If youโ€™re not prepared, you may be in for a very rude awakening! Like any investment, travel needs protection. We don’t hesitate to…

Misc Blogs

3 “Buy Now/Pay Later” Airline Ticket Options

No Shame in my โ€œairline ticket paymentโ€ Game! Disclaimer: I havenโ€™t used any of the following services for purchasing a “layaway” airline ticket. I like to blog about my personal experiences. I debated writing this blog based on the…

Poof Bee Gone @Jazz in the Gardens
Experience Blogs

Do it Afraid: 10 1st Time Solo Travel Ideas

Solo Travel Jump Start Travel Daily News reports a 42% increase in solo travel bookings for the past four years. Have you thought about where you can fit into those numbers? If you havenโ€™t attempted solo travel, you may…