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Help! A Virus Hijacked My Vacation!
COVID-19 Misc Blogs

Help! A Virus Hijacked my Vacation!

Updated 2/29/20 Anti-Virus Flexibility is one of the greatest assets to a frequent traveler! Life/stuff happens. If youโ€™re not prepared, you may be in for a very rude awakening! Like any investment, travel needs protection. We donโ€™t hesitate toโ€ฆ

2019 Travels at El Morro
Experience Blogs

Looking Back: A Rear View of 2019 Travels

Bye 2019 (Travels) The idea to write an annual summary blog (on 2019 travels) was totally spontaneous. It came to me just before 6pm on 12/30/2019. No pressure!!! My Thanksgiving and Christmas blogs were no different! I started myโ€ฆ

St. Louis Cathedral
Misc Blogs

10 Things Iโ€™m Thankful for While Traveling

A Thankful Heart Iโ€™ve found it almost impossible to complain and be grateful in the same breath! Even in the imperfect moments, thankfulness has a way of altering perspective. This is my first โ€œholidayโ€ blog. I couldnโ€™t let Thanksgivingโ€ฆ

Misc Blogs

5 Ways to Avoid Travel Scams

What are the (Travel Scam) Odds? Raise your hand if you have been a victim of travel scams! I can recall a โ€˜small instanceโ€™ in comparison to some of the stuff Iโ€™ve seen as of late. Ironically it didnโ€™tโ€ฆ

Experience Blogs

5 Solo Travel Safety/Security Tips

No Street Cred Fireworks or gunshots? I donโ€™t know the difference! I canโ€™t brag about my โ€œstreet credibilityโ€ From childhood, my family mostly lived in โ€œinner citiesโ€. We were far enough to not be โ€œhood hoodโ€! I never fearedโ€ฆ

Experience Blogs

The Naked Traveler (How I Started Blogging)

FULL FRONTAL TRAVELER Have you ever dreamed you were butt-naked in front of a room with buzzing paparazzi? Let me set the sceneโ€ฆThereโ€™s a mike stand minus a podium to hide behind. All of your goodies are bared toโ€ฆ

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