Poof Bee Gone @Jazz in the Gardens
Experience Blogs

Do it Afraid: 10 1st Time Solo Travel Ideas

Solo Travel Jump Start Travel Daily News reports a 42% increase in solo travel bookings for the past four years. Have you thought about where you can fit into those numbers? If you haven’t attempted solo travel, you may…

Ultimate Sports Fan Poof Bee Gone @Dwyane Wade's Mural
Experience Blogs Sports

Ultimate Sports Fan: Easy Solo Trip

Sports Fan Stats No two sports fans are the same! If you ask me to spit out player, team or organization stats (from their inception)…I’m not your girl! I’m not clueless nor delusional! I don’t follow players from college to…

Misc Blogs

5 Ways to Avoid Travel Scams

What are the (Travel Scam) Odds? Raise your hand if you have been a victim of travel scams! I can recall a β€˜small instance’ in comparison to some of the stuff I’ve seen as of late. Ironically it didn’t…

Roasted pig at Terra Nova Sunday Brunch
Experience Blogs Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica: Best Sunday Brunch

The School of Hard Knocks I don’t believe limits can be placed on life lessons! The reason I’m convinced is that they began to show up in my travels. Solo travel affords you much alone time with your thoughts.…