Monthly Archives:

September 2019

Ultimate Sports Fan Poof Bee Gone @Dwyane Wade's Mural
Experience Blogs Sports

Ultimate Sports Fan: Easy Solo Trip

Sports Fan Stats No two sports fans are the same! If you ask me to spit out player, team or organization stats (from their inception)…Iโ€™m not your girl! I’m not clueless nor delusional! I donโ€™t follow players from college to…

Misc Blogs

5 Ways to Avoid Travel Scams

What are the (Travel Scam) Odds? Raise your hand if you have been a victim of travel scams! I can recall a โ€˜small instanceโ€™ in comparison to some of the stuff Iโ€™ve seen as of late. Ironically it didnโ€™t…

Roasted pig at Terra Nova Sunday Brunch
Experience Blogs Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica: Best Sunday Brunch

The School of Hard Knocks I donโ€™t believe limits can be placed on life lessons! The reason Iโ€™m convinced is that they began to show up in my travels. Solo travel affords you much alone time with your thoughts.…